Friday, November 23, 2012

Gingerbread Fun and a SALE!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We enjoyed our day with family and lots of food!!

I finally finished my Gingerbread Unit!  Every time I turned around, I wanted to add something to it!  This unit really came out of necessity as our distric implemented a new "no food" policy due to allergies. My kiddos always enjoyed creating their Gingerbreadhouses, so I had to think outside of the box.  There are several activites that go with this unit,

Glyph~ I asked basic questions and depending on their answer they used various pieces of the house to create their own "Gingerbread House". 

 I then have them write a persausive paragraph trying to "SELL THAT HOUSE!!" after they have brainstormed with their graphic organizer. 

My biggest challenge was how to add in the Math element.  I used to give my 5th graders a set budget and each piece of the Gingerbread house was worth a certain value. They "bought" the pieces of their house from the "store" (me!!) and then constructed the house. They kept track in a budget worksheet which had to be submitted with the house.  So how do I do that now that food can't be brought into school?  Well, I just used seperate pictures of the Gingerbread house and assigned a value to them.  They still had to "buy" them from the store and construct their house on construction paper instead.  I also gave them various math task cards to have them calculate the various costs of the pieces. 
If you are interested in checking out all the pieces included in this unit, head over to my TPT store by following this link.  

Teachers Pay Teacher is having a wonderful Cyber Monday and extra Tuesday sale!! Get up to 28% off my items these two days.  Just go to my store and then use the promo code below.


  1. I'm glad I found your blog in your Liebster Award nomination! I am happy to say I am your newest follower :)

  2. I recently found your blog, and I have nominated you for a Leibster award. LOL - of course after I typed that I saw that you have already been nominated. congratulations you are catching everyone's eyes! Check it out here:

  3. Hello! I LOVE your blog, too! Evidently I'm one of many! I'll still include your name/blog on my list, though! Congrats - welcome to the club!

  4. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can check it out at my blog!

    Kelly Nelson
    Owl Inspire You

  5. Hi Faith!

    This glyph looks fantastic! You have such great ideas and if I were teaching the older grades I'd snag this up!!

    I've just nominated you for a Leibster Award (and it looks like I'm not the only one who has! :) Clink the link for my post about it! Leibster Awards

    First Grade in Foxwell Forest

  6. I am a new follower, but happy to have found you.
