Think of "folders" that we all have in our classroom. I created a Folder for the subjects that I wanted to add information. For example...Daily 5/Cafe, Math, and checklists. Within each one you can add your student's names. Almost like a folder within a folder. This is an amazing way to keep reading conference information. I have even recording my student's reading!
Probably the one feature that I love the most is to create checklists. This is very easy to make and then display on the board. The kids love to go up and check off their name on a given projects. I use it to track which student brought back their dentist's forms and other important papers.
I know that there is so much that I could do with Evernote and I am so excited to stretching myself with new technology! I found an amazing blog that walks you through setting up Evernote. Make sure to check it out!